Posted in Current Events

Eliot Spitzer Wears Blue Tie, Resigns

A couple of people have commented that no hooker could possibly be worth the four figures that Spitzer paid. But it’s all about the perceived value. You get what you pay for. And if you can pay a lot, a lot more than the average person, that can give you a sense of power. I can buy what I want, when I want. I deserve it. This thinking drives the whole expensive handbag phenomenon.

A little analogy: Everyone once in a while I get to go in those special waiting rooms at airports. I admit I feel different once I’m in there, and it’s not just because of the free drinks. It is a relief to be in a quieter place. Smiling faces serve snacks and the aforementioned booze. Sipping my chardonnay, there a temptation to feel like I’m better than all ya’ll out there waiting by the gate. I’m in here and you’re not. They let me in here, and they don’t let just anyone in. Surely this means something about my value as a human being (not).

Eliot Spitzer paid the big bucks to buy this: (via Newsday)

Emperors’ Club vip is the most preferred international social introduction service for those accustomed to excellence. Introducing the most impressive models to leading gentleman of the world is our expertise. We specialize in introductions of: fashion models, pageant winners and exquisite students, graduates and women of successful careers (finance, art, media etc…) to gentlemen of exceptional standards. When seeking an evening date, a weekend travel companion, or a friend to accompany you during your next business / social function our models are perfect preference. We act for a select group of educated, refined and successful international clients who give their best in all they do and who, in return, only wish to receive the best. Catering to clients who will not compromise in any area of their life Our meticulous standards of beauty, intelligence and charm ensure that you always encounter the quality you’ve come to expect in a woman, when with an Emperors’ Club vip model. Each of our companions is a product of an exceptionally fine background and a success in her right. All rendezvous are individually crafted to suit the needs of your specific occasion. Note that each model has place in her schedule for a select number of appointments per month, so your date will be a special one for both of you. (Grabs, Emperor’s Club Website/ March 10, 2008)

Clearly this verbiage is designed to appeal to an educated person (despite the errors, which send the English majors packing). No one is getting a crack ho here, or even a dim bulb. There’s even the suggestion that she might actually enjoy it too. I love the phrase “exquisite student.” “Catering to clients who will not compromise in any area of their life” – Any area except vows they have made to their spouses. And in Spitzer’s case, his carefully crafted public persona as Good Guy.

* * *
Gringo Malo brings up the banking issues associated with the downfall of Spitzer in this funny, informative post.

Citizen of the Month writes about discussing Spitzer with his therapist. The Citizen and several commenters think prostitution should be legalized. I say if we legalize prostitution, we have to legalize and regulate illegal drug trade too.

On the other side of the aisle: The Myth of the Victimless Crime by Melissa Farley and Victor Malarek: an op-ed piece in the New York Times.


This is a personal blog. Expect a potpourri of stuff.

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