Posted in baseball

I Love Baseball

I love baseball, and I love people who love baseball. When I was in St. Louis early this month, I went to the Cardinals v. Phillies game. In honor of AP, I rooted for the Phils. So did these guys:

Meet Dave Zavitz (good looking one) and Greg Weyent (old one). That’s Dave’s description (duh!). These guys flew from Philadelphia for the game. That’s dedication. They were rewarded with a 2-1 win. Rock on, Phillie fans. I will, however, be rooting for the Dodgers when you’re in town this week.

Our hotel in St. Louis was full of Cards fans…I would smile sweetly at them, flash my baseball seam bracelet,

and say, “We got Manny!” Can’t wait to see his new ‘do.  Will he or won’t he? Baseball is full of superstition, but must we invoke Samson and Delilah?

Yes.  That’s what makes baseball baseball.